The Season of Fall

Happy Sunday blog buddies!

I hope everyone is having a fun Halloween pre-weekend. I whipped up this quick little Fall-dedicated poem to symbolize the inevitability of losing something. Trees lose their leaves daily – by the second, minute, hour, and on. Trees are kind of good examples for the practice of meditation and mindfulness. When you meditate, you essentially seek to let your thoughts freely flow in and out of you, observing them, and letting them go without dwelling too rightly upon them. Leaves die and fall, then grow again. Leaves have many different colors, signifying the variation in thought processes.

The constant flow of life for a tree! How cool. These tall, wise, old inanimate beings. Nature is a beautiful thing. I’m glad I can use a tree as a solid example for thoughtful contemplation. Symbolism for the win.

Enjoy this quick one and have a great rest of your day.


Falling Fall Leaves

Fall is the season

During which trees shed their leaves

They fall in tall piles

Which are visible for miles

The leaves of varying hues

Are what the branches will lose

By mid Autumn, the limbs are bare

But the trees don’t care.

When Spring comes back to this town,

Fresh new leaves will come around

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